Michigan senior photographer takes photos of seniors in Troy, Michigan

Photos of Michigan seniors to show off variety of senior pictures

Michigan seniors and their parents rave about my senior photography.

Here are some of the e-mail I've received about my senior pictures...

Hi Marci!
I wanted to let you know again how truly happy we are with Chad's portraits. They turned out even more wonderful than I could have imagined. You really did capture the essence of my boy. When I look at certain images, I see a story. Perhaps this is simply the mother in me looking at her son, but there are a few shots, the way you captured his expression, that I can imagine beyond the frame, maybe he sees some friends and they said something that made him laugh or he is anticipating what they are about to do. In others, I look at it and say to myself, "I see him stand that way all the time, playing with his bracelet as he is standing in the kitchen telling me about his day or a funny thing he saw on the computer." When he is running his hand through his hair, I see him do this often when he is thinking about something and he doesn't know I am watching And his smile and laughter… I see some of the shots and I can zero in on the true, genuine ones… I thought "she must have said or done something that he found really amusing." My husband and son look at me like I'm crazy when I describe it this way, but I see beyond the physical image. Given it is what I hope to see, it evokes a deep emotion within me, and isn't that what this is really about?! You describe on your website what one can expect to get out of this experience, but honestly, I do not think I actually thought about it that way, the way I am writing about it today. I want to look at that single picture and see all the pictures in my mind of him that have come before, how he was then growing up into the young adult I see and know now, to the adult he is on his way to becoming. It wasn't until I saw the images you took that I thought, "Ah, this is what it is about! This is what she means."

Kelly K

Oh my gosh, Marci.
We are IN LOVE with so many of these photographs!! Again, we just can't thank you enough for the entire experience!! You not only captured beautiful smiles, but you built up my daughter's self confidence. Words can't convey what that means, but as a mom, I know your heart understands.

Hi Marci,
I wanted to pass along that as we were leaving the park, Jenna said "that was really fun, my back Is killing me, but that was so fun". She has also said several times "I just love the pictures!" I just wanted you to know that working with you was a ray of sunshine during a time of many difficult days! So thank you again! It was wonderful working with you!

Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that we got the CD of pictures from Rachel's photo session at Cranbrook and we are more than thrilled with them. You did an awesome job capturing Rachel's personality! I look at some and see my little girl and others I see the beautiful young lady she is becoming. We are so glad that, after our session was over and we were headed back to our cars, you stopped at the pond with the lily pads and suggested we take just a few more. Photo 0529 is one of Rachel's absolute favorites. So far, she has gotten her selections down to 20. Once she determines which 5 she wants her name and date on, I'll let you know.
Thanks again for such amazing photos!

Trisha Crowe

Hi Marci,
I have been meaning to send you a note for some time and am finally getting to it. I just wanted you to know how much I love the pictures that you took of Sarah. You are truly gifted! The pictures are just beautiful and my only complaint is: how in the heck do I pick 5? lol!! Thank you so very much for all the time that you took with us and for making us feel so comfortable. I will be happy to recommend you to others!

Jenny Braun

Thank you for spending extra time with Kelly and for taking great shots! I've only seen three, but it looks like you captured her. Kelly was very excited after the shoot, and is very pleased with what she's seen so far. The girl's got some white teeth, Eh?
I was confident you'd do a great job and Kelly is very happy, we can't wait to see all of them! Thank you very much.

Timothy W. Smiley, D.D.S.

Just got the disk.... WOW... we love them! Outstanding...thank you!


I don't think I ever properly thanked you for the wonderful time we had at Cranbrook. Emma had a great experience. You made the evening easy going, relaxed and nice. It was awesome!
The pictures turned out beautifully. We'll get back to you with our chosen 5.
Thanks again,

Marissa Cooper

Hi Marci-
I just got finished viewing all the pictures and I am just so grateful for your beautiful work and for the time we spent together working on this.I feel as if I, the mother, am the lucky one because the pictures warm my heart so and are a lasting reminder of my daughter before she leaves us to go away to college next year and to start "her own life". We will miss her so! But now I have your pictures to look at whenever I am missing her - so again thank you and we hope to use you again regularly in the future and to recommend you whenever I can. Take care! Hugs!

Beverly Hubers

Contact information for Marci Curtis, phone numbers and e-mail address.

Please e-mail me to check availability!

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